SEO & Web Marketing

Being present online has become indispensable, but it is even more important to present oneself in a convincing and authoritative manner so as to distinguish oneself from the background noise generated by social media and the "overdose" of content.

That’s where our SEO (Search Engine Optimization) experts come into play helping customers improve a site or link page visibility, perfecting their ranking on search engines.

Our team specializes in SEO projects that involve 360-degree business and online reputation management. They often carry out integrated campaigns incorporating Media Relations, Digital PR and Social Media activities. SEO is also a key element for crisis prevention as it helps pinpoint the most used keywords on the net.

SEO allows us to obtain information on the number of searches carried out on a given topic, anticipating trends and identifying key messages, themes, and hashtags. In this way, we can govern the flow of information and intercept bloggers, opinion leaders and influencers. 

We often combine web SEO activities with marketing campaigns on social networks and search engines or the creation of eco-systems with temporary mini-sites, thematic web communities, Apps, animations and video news.

Want to share your goals with us?

Write to us to request a free consultation!