Crisis Reputation Management

Our "Crisis Ready" approach aims to facilitate the effective prevention and real-time management of Reputational Crises, as well as to seize opportunities, and is based on four key pillars:

  • Strategic analysis of "point zero": we study the pre-existing corporate culture in terms of crisis communication, the state of relations with stakeholders, vulnerability analysis and the presence of spokespeople.
  • Customized key tools and messages: we create an operational Crisis Kit with content, processes and related Crisis Management procedures in order to defend the reputation of a company, an association or an individual manager.
  • Listening to the network: we offer 24/7 multi-channel monitoring and can intercept potential threats through social listening platforms sending alerts to the Crisis Team in order to intervene quickly.
  • Crisis Management Strategy: we design and manage reactive or proactive strategies, customized for different audiences and channels, and provide strategic advice to managers of the Crisis Team.

Our main Crisis Management activities:

  • Analysis of vulnerabilities and crisis scenarios through an internal audit
  • Development of key messages and Q&A to overturn vulnerabilities
  • Definition of the processes for the management of critical issues with related procedures
  • Activation of the Crisis Team with coordination of relevant responsibilities and roles
  • Mapping key internal and external stakeholders, as allies/hostile parties/agnostics
  • Crisis Training with simulations to make decisions under strong pressure
  • Digital Crisis Room to collect and share procedures, contact lists and statements
  • Press Office & Digital PR with press releases, statements, anti-crisis posts and interviews.

Want to share your goals with us?

Write to us to request a free consultation!